Get a free copy of the second edition of Dracula’s Feast!
over 6 years ago
– Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 01:30:33 AM
So I have some exciting news.
Dracula’s Feast launched on Kickstarter almost exactly two years ago. (That’s exciting, but it’s not the news.)
We raised almost $90,000; we got almost 4000 backers, and printed more than 5000 copies of the game.
By the end of this year, we will have sold out the entire print run.
This has been Jellybean Games’ most popular title - it’s perhaps my personal favourite of all the games I’ve designed, and we’ve received tons of feedback from enthusiastic players. We playtested this game for years, but having thousands of people play your game reveals all kinds of room for improvements.
And so early next year, we are going to be launching the second edition of Dracula’s Feast on Kickstarter. It’s going to have all-new art (by the incredibly talented Mike Dashow), new roles, and a whole bunch of tweaks for balance. For example, here’s the new-and-improved Alucard:
A lot of the game is the same - it’s still the fun puzzle you know and love (in fact, even more-so); there’s still no narrator, no player elimination, bluffing without needing to lie, a flexible player count and - of course - no shouting.
Many of the changes are just to clean up the game. The goal is to never again have people forget a vital part of their role (“oh I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to do that”) as well as removing a bunch of small rule exceptions. For example, in the second edition, there are no longer any characters who keep their ability even after they’re revealed.
I would love to offer a simple upgrade pack for people who backed the original, but the changes permeate every part of the design - almost all of the roles have been tweaked, the base actions are slightly different, and all the art has been redone to match the new style. We’re even renaming the system itself - instead of “Unmasked”, it’s going to be called “Masquerade”.
If you like Dracula’s Feast, I’m confident you’re going to adore the second edition. And so I wanted to make an offer - if you help us playtest the second edition, we’ll send you a free copy of the game! All you have to do is either record a video of your group learning the rules, or play the game 10 times and answer a small questionnaire after each playthrough.
That’s it!
If you’re interested, email [email protected] (why yes, I do have the world’s coolest email address) and I’ll send you some files to print out! To make life easier, I’ll be putting it together using the old art - all you’ll need to print are reference cards and character cards; for everything else, you can use components from the first edition of the game.
By helping us out this way, you can make sure that the second edition is as good as it can possibly be, and score a free copy!
(If you don't get a response straight away, don't fear - I'll be sending files out in waves, to make sure that problems with the first set can be fixed by the second, etc!)
We haven’t yet locked down dates, but I’ll let you know as soon as the second edition goes live on Kickstarter - likely early in the new year.
Thanks so much for your support
-Peter C. Hayward
First edition
P.S. If you backed at the KING KONG or CTHULHU levels, you’ll automatically be getting a free copy of the second edition! Your assistance with playtesting would be appreciated, of course, but you’ll be getting a copy nonetheless. :)
Hidden Panda is live on Kickstarter!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 11:17:31 PM
This is just a short update to let you know that Jellybean Games has launched a new social deduction game on Kickstarter! If been enjoying Dracula’s Feast, you’re going to love Hidden Panda.
Like Dracula’s Feast, it’s fast, fun, and has no player elimination or narrator. It plays at a wide range of player counts, and is suitable for the whole family. Hidden Panda balances several asymmetrical roles, keeps you engaged on every player’s turn...and it’s really dang cute.
Seriously. This may be the cutest game ever made:
The campaign went live today, and backers get a Kickstarter-exclusive set of 42 wooden baby panda tokens!
We really think you’re going to love Hidden Panda - it’s all the fun of social deduction (with none of the shouting), all the cuteness of pandas (and grandma!), and the high quality you can expect from Jellybean Games,
Check it out!
Thanks so much for your support,
-Peter C. Hayward
If only there were a way to combine vampires and pandas. Pandpires?
Cons to get Dracula’s Feast!
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, May 01, 2018 at 12:01:53 AM
I mentioned in the last update that Dracula’s Feast is now only available at cons. Quite reasonably, a few people got into contact wondering exactly which ones we’re going to be at!
Here’s a list of the last conventions where you’ll be able to find a copy of Dracula’s Feast:
BGG Spring, May 25 - May 28, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas
Origins, June 14 - June 17, Columbus, Ohio
Dice Tower Con, July 5 - July 8, Orlando, Florida
Gen Con, August 2 - August 5, Indianapolis, Indiana
Just look for the Jellybean Games booth; we'll have about a dozen copies at each convention, and once they're gone...they're gone!
I should also mention - if you haven’t received a copy of the game, this is your final opportunity to reach out and make sure your Kickstarter copies arrive.
Just email [email protected] or fill out our missing parts form.
(If you’ve already reached out, never fear - we’re already in the process of getting your replacement copy to you.)
That’s all for this update (shortest update ever?)
Thanks so much for your support - if you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
-Peter C. Hayward
Disappointed not to be going to Vampire Con
P.S. In each of these updates, I like to link to a currently-running Kickstarter that I think you might enjoy. This week, it’s GROWL - a monster-themed social deduction game for 4-10 players, with gorgeous art. Three guesses why I thought you might like that one. ;)
They’ve only got 10 days left, so get in fast!
Village Pillage is live, and Dracula’s Feast is out of stock!
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 07:26:21 PM
Exciting news: the Village Pillage relaunch is NOW LIVE!
It’s a fast-paced game of outwitting your opponents, and it comes with free, Kickstarter-exclusive wooden turnips!
Check it out!
I also want to announce that we have now run out of our Dracula’s Feast stock. We have a few dozen copies left that we’ll be selling directly at cons, but it’s no longer going to be available through our webstore. Hold onto your Kickstarter copy - it’s a collector’s item!
Dracula’s Feast is one of our most popular games (and one of my very favorite designs), but the Kickstarter edition (envelopes, Tarot-sized cards, a bunch of extra content) pushed the manufacturing cost up a little more than we were expecting, so we’re going to spend some time trying to work out what the next steps are, and how we can reprint the game in a sustainable way.
It likely won’t be until next year, but the game will be back - in some form - along with the sequels we have planned, Monster’s Ball and Night of the Mummy. Stay tuned!
Thank you so much for making this great little game a reality.
I really hope the game brings you as much joy as it’s brought me along the years!
-Peter C. Hayward
Only 200 copies of Dracula’s Feast left!
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 01:16:25 AM
The other day, Nicole did a stock count and realized that we only have 200 copies of Dracula’s Feast left! Ever since the campaign, it’s been consistently selling, thanks to your efforts in spreading the word. Thanks so much!
(We’ve already run out of Cthulhu & Friends - we printed fewer copies of that, and so the expansion has been out of stock for some time.)
To celebrate the relaunch of the Village Pillage Kickstarter (we pulled the campaign last week, for reasons detailed here) we are doing a special, limited-time sale. From now until the relaunch (this Monday!), you can pick up a bundle consisting of Scuttle!, Dracula’s Feast, and The Lady and the Tiger for just $50.
After Village Pillage launches, we’re going to discontinue web sales of Dracula’s Feast - our last remaining copies will only be available at conventions.
If you want a copy of everyone’s favourite vampire-based dancing game, get in now! You can use this coupon code for free US shipping: SubUSA.
Village Pillage relaunches on Monday the 16th of April - if you know anyone who wishes they’d gotten in on the Dracula’s Feast Kickstarter, let them know about the sale before then!
Thanks so much for your support! Without you, we would never have been able to make this cool game, let alone sell out the whole print run in less than 6 months. (Wow!)
Hope you’re enjoying the game,
-Peter C. Hayward
Jellybean Games